Episode 133 — Removing Sensitive Personal Information from the Web

Our personal data is collected, sold, shared, used, and misused in ways most of us cannot imagine. Data brokers that buy and sell our personal information (“PI”) do it behind the scenes and almost always without our knowledge or consent. Data brokers are largely unregulated. What can be done about perils that have led to murder, theft, and other mayhem through easy access to PI?

Tom Daly, CEO of MePrism, takes us on a tour of the consumer privacy landscape. A consumer data privacy company, MePrism programmatically removes people’s sensitive information from the internet. Explore what can be done to protect individuals from swatting, doxxing, and other misuse of their personal information, early state and federal steps towards regulating data sales and sharing, and measures that organizations and individuals can take to prevent mal-actors from gaining ready access to our PI.

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