Episode 24 - Internet Review Sites And Free Expression

The California Supreme Court faced a challenge that may have been the first stone cast in a global debate about free expression on the internet. The case centered on a San Francisco law firm that got a one-star YELP review from an unhappy former client. When the firm’s YELP rating dipped from 5.0 to 4.5 the law firm successfully sued the reviewer for a defamation claim. YELP was not originally a party to the case, but when the judgment ordered YELP to remove the information, YELP refused. If you have ideas for more interviews or stories, please email info@thedataprivacydetective.com.
The California Supreme Court faced a challenge that may have been the first stone cast in a global debate about free expression on the internet. The case centered on a San Francisco law firm that got a one-star YELP review from an unhappy former client. When the firm’s YELP rating dipped from 5.0 to 4.5 the law firm successfully sued the reviewer for a defamation claim. YELP was not originally a party to the case, but when the judgment ordered YELP to remove the information, YELP refused. If you have ideas for more interviews or stories, please email info@thedataprivacydetective.com.
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