Episode 4 - Your Personal Checklist For CyberSecurity

John Hibbs, Chief Information Security Officer for J.P. Morgan Chase, gave a riveting talk in Chicago in the fall of 2016 about the devices that tempt us to spend our waking hours giving them attention. He began with a challenge I readily accepted - that humans are not good at guarding their data privacy. Technology is too strong and changing too quickly to keep up with. Nonetheless, there are choices we can make with regard to the equipment and software we use and thereby better protect our data. You are your own first line of defense against the loss of your data, and this episode of the Data Privacy Detective goes through a checklist of items regarding software and equipment to assist you.
John Hibbs, Chief Information Security Officer for J.P. Morgan Chase, gave a riveting talk in Chicago in the fall of 2016 about the devices that tempt us to spend our waking hours giving them attention. He began with a challenge I readily accepted - that humans are not good at guarding their data privacy. Technology is too strong and changing too quickly to keep up with. Nonetheless, there are choices we can make with regard to the equipment and software we use and thereby better protect our data. You are your own first line of defense against the loss of your data, and this episode of the Data Privacy Detective goes through a checklist of items regarding software and equipment to assist you.
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